Even if there are no other vehicles involved, a single-vehicle car accident can still cause significant injuries. Learn more about this type of crash and who may be liable for the damages you incur.
Injured parties must gather strong evidence to make a successful claim. Duluth Auto Accident Attorney understand how to use evidence such as medical records and policy interpretation to strengthen claims against governments and private entities.
When most people think about car accidents, they envision multi-vehicle collisions that can be catastrophic and cause significant damage. However, it’s important to remember that a single-vehicle accident can be just as devastating and can lead to serious injuries and property damage.
When you are involved in a single-car crash, you need to take action immediately to protect your interests. A few of the most important things you should do are to get medical assistance and gather evidence. You should also file an insurance claim, if necessary.
In many cases, it’s the driver who is liable for a single-vehicle accident. However, there are instances when the driver isn’t liable for the crash and another party could be held responsible for your damages.
Bad Road Conditions
One of the most common causes of single-car crashes is due to poor road conditions. This includes construction zones, bad weather, and even potholes on the roadway. If a roadway condition caused you to lose control of your vehicle and crash, the government agency in charge of maintaining the road might be held liable.
Mechanical Issues
Sometimes, cars crash due to issues with their mechanics, such as faulty brakes or tires that have gone bad. In these cases, it is possible for an experienced car accident attorney to argue that the manufacturer of the vehicle should be held liable for any damages caused by the mechanical failure.
Other Outside Factors
There are other factors that can cause a single-car accident, including animal crossings or other obstacles in the road. Regardless of what caused your accident, it is essential to see a doctor as soon as possible for any injuries you sustained. This will not only help ensure that you receive the medical treatment you need, but it will also allow you to document your injuries for a potential legal claim.
If a third party was liable for your accident, you may be able to pursue a claim against them for your damages. This could include a private business or the owner of a piece of property where your car crashed, as well as a government entity, like a city, county, or state transportation department.
As the driver of your vehicle, you are generally considered liable for any accidents that your car causes. In some cases, though, you can avoid liability if it is demonstrated that another party contributed to the accident in some way. This could include other drivers on the road, an automaker or an auto part manufacturer, a maintenance provider or even a government entity.
A car accident can cause a lot of damage in a very short amount of time, and many times there isn’t enough time to evade an object or another vehicle. For example, if someone pulls out in front of you on a busy highway, it is your responsibility to take evasive action and not hit them. In some cases, though, you may not be able to avoid hitting them and instead run off the road into a tree or something else.
The other party could also be held liable if they are driving recklessly or speeding, but that isn’t the case in most single-vehicle accidents. However, it is important to note that it can be difficult to prove negligence against a third party in a single-vehicle accident because the only witness is the victim themselves.
If a defect or equipment failure contributed to your crash, you could escape liability. This is especially true if the defect or failure happened suddenly and without any prior warning. However, some maintenance providers or manufacturers might argue that you should have known about the issue and gotten it fixed before the accident occurred.
Some crashes are caused by weather conditions that make the road dangerous to drive on. For example, sudden rain or snow can make it impossible to see or control a vehicle. Also, high winds can make it hard to maintain a steady driving speed.
If you are involved in a single-vehicle collision with a deer, it may be covered under comprehensive because the animal is unpredictable and couldn’t have been predicted. However, if you crash into a telephone pole, it would most likely be covered under collision. If you are unsure whether your accident qualifies as a comprehensive or collision claim, it is best to contact an experienced attorney right away.
At-Fault Parties
The driver of the vehicle is typically liable for the accident and any damages that occur as a result. A car accident lawyer can help determine fault and liability in these cases.
In most cases, a driver will be deemed at fault for a single-vehicle accident when it can be established that they made an error and/or acted negligently behind the wheel of their vehicle. However, there are instances where a single-car crash isn’t the driver’s fault at all.
An example of this would be if another driver pulled out in front of you and you swerved off the road to avoid the collision, but then hit a tree instead. In this instance, it’s not necessarily your fault for the crash because you were trying to avoid an accident that was ultimately unavoidable.
Another instance where you may not be liable for an accident is if it can be proven that there was a vehicle or part defect that led to your crash. This could include issues like faulty brakes, tires, or other mechanical components in your vehicle that aren’t functioning properly.
A person might be able to file a claim against the manufacturer of these parts or against the retailer or distributor that sold them to you. An experienced Long Island car accident attorney could look at the evidence in your case to find out if you can file a lawsuit against these parties.
Finally, a person might be able to file a lawsuit against a public entity if it can be established that they contributed to the cause of the crash. For example, if the roadway conditions were poor and they caused you to lose control of your vehicle, this could lead to a lawsuit against the local government agency responsible for maintaining the roads.
It’s important to contact a car accident lawyer right away after any type of crash. This is true even if it’s only a single-vehicle accident and no one was hurt. This is because it can be difficult to determine the underlying cause of the accident later on, which could be helpful when determining liability for the crash. A lawyer could also gather any available photos or videos from the scene of the accident to help support your claims and demonstrate negligence in your case.
When most people think of car accidents, they imagine collisions involving multiple cars and several parties. However, the reality is that many crashes involve only one vehicle. Single-vehicle auto accidents account for more than half of all motor vehicle accident deaths. This makes it important to understand how car insurance works when dealing with this type of accident. Also, while most people believe that the driver is automatically liable for any damages they sustain in an accident that involves only their own car, this may not be always true.
Drivers can file an insurance claim for a number of reasons after an accident. For example, if the crash caused damage to a person’s property, such as a fence or building, the owner of that property can file a claim against the driver through their homeowner’s insurance. In addition, drivers can make an insurance claim for the cost of repairing their own car through collision and comprehensive coverage. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible for a third party to be held liable for a single-vehicle accident.
For instance, a dangerous driver who caused a motorist to swerve and hit their own car could be held liable for the resulting damages. Additionally, it is often possible to file a lawsuit against a manufacturer if an accident was the result of a defective product. A defective part or design, for example, could cause a car to malfunction and run off the road. In some cases, an accident is the result of a roadway defect that could have been prevented by a local or state government.
Regardless of the type of car accident that occurs, it is crucial to report the accident as soon as possible. This allows the insurance companies to process the claim and determine who is liable for the damages. It is also important to contact an attorney immediately after a crash to ensure that all steps are taken to protect the rights of the injured victim. For more information about how to handle a single-vehicle accident, please do not hesitate to contact our Syracuse law firm at Michaels Bersani Kalabanka.